Insurance for Maple Syrup Producers in Vermont & New Hampshire

The manufacturing and selling of maple syrup can truly be a sweet experience! Maple syrup producers in Vermont and New Hampshire, both large and small, have deep roots in their communities, years of tradition, and a passion for creating high-quality products.

Just as with all investments of great importance, having the proper insurance is essential to keep your business running smoothly. At Taylor-Moore Agency, we recognize the great need for personalized care and have years of experience in helping maple syrup producers in Vermont find the perfect insurance for their needs.

One advantage we have at our office is that Ryan Moore, the owner of Taylor-Moore Agency, has been making maple syrup himself for over 20 years! Thus, he understands all of the important facets of the business and how to protect your investment and your maple syrup income from all angles.

What is so special about maple syrup producer insurance?

Maple syrup producers insurance is a specialized type of farm insurance that covers all aspects of maple syrup production. From the point where the sap comes out of the tree to the time that the finished product gets bottled, many things can go wrong and we create an insurance contract that protects you and your business.

What You Need to Consider

If you are a maple syrup manufacturer in Vermont, there are many things to take into consideration when looking for maple syrup manufacturer insurance. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Your locations
  • The type of sugaring equipment you have
  • Where you sell your products
  • The number of workers you employ
  • Your mobile equipment & vehicles

Another important aspect to keep in mind is product liability. While a maple syrup producer takes great care to deliver a high-quality product, you may still want to have coverage for a situation where someone becomes ill or experiences injury through association with your products, in any way. No matter what your goals are, it is important to find a reliable agent who understands your business and can help you create a personalized plan to protect it.

How Taylor-Moore Insurance Agency Can Help

At Taylor-Moore Agency, we specialize in and have first-hand experience in the maple syrup industry. We take pride in the great traditions of Vermont and are dedicated to helping you feel confident with your insurance decisions.

Our agents will take the time you need to answer all of your questions, and work hard to save you money. If you would like more information about maple syrup producers insurance in Vermont or New Hampshire, please contact one our office today by filling out our quote form on this page.

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